Thursday, January 24, 2013

The First Interview


It is the eve of my first grad school interview and though I have an itinerary of what will follow in the next several days, I am still unsure of what to expect. I have several one-on-one meetings with people on the graduate committee tomorrow and don't know what kind of questions they'll ask, which I find worrisome.

I've met the competition, most of them anyway, and they seem nice enough. Two of the work for a university "Core" facility currently and one is an undergrad. For those unfamiliar, a "Core" facility is just that...a program the university runs that acts as its own autonomous entity (at least to my understanding) that produces research as well as products used for assays for purchase.

Where these students have the ability to do high throughput screening and work, I feel like the process of achieving my masters in a university where I have to write my thesis, puts me at a slight advantage over them; I mean, that is a requirement for a PhD...a thesis defense and several publications. So you have to demonstrate that you can write and produce results, which I think I've shown in my application.

In any case, I've travelled to my destination and as I sit here, reviewing those on the committee I will meet tomorrow (reading some of their research), I think what an interesting moment this really is. I mean, they've paid for me to travel here and stay at a fairly nice hotel for 2 days...that must mean that they are interested in me. Hopefully I don't screw it up too badly.

We'll see what happens tomorrow


The second day of interviews has come to an end and it has been thoroughly exhausting. In 2 days, I've met with countless people and had more food than I am used to eating.

It has all become a whirl wind and I know that it wasn't by accident. It was to showcase only the best parts that this school has to offer and tuck away anything that may detract. Yesterday contained, among many other things, 3 one-on-one meetings with different admissions people; I felt it went daily well, but really, how do you know? Today also contained 3 individual meetings but this time it was with perspective faculty. The first meeting was...not a good fit, nice guy but no funding and I don't know how well we'd interact...he seemed more of a hands off prof. The second meeting went well, I met with a leader in the field who, due to recent funding yrs, also doesn't have funding but was filled with friendly advice and spent a wonderful half hour talking shop. My third and final prospective professor was by far my most fun. Also a leader in her field, she explicitly discussed having me in her program and talked about the work she'd have me do. I have to say, it sounds amazing and I would be very happy to be a part of her research team.

I have arrived back to the airport, earlier than the other students (I requested to be returned prior to the 26th due to a prior commitment). I was told, by two of the organisers, that the decision on my application would be made soon....but I would be very happy.

Here is to a safe flight home


My flight home was interesting. As I sat at the airport waiting my flight, a candidate from another program at the same university I was just at (whom I'd not met previously) struck up a conversation about the whole process. Quite an interesting single serving friend.

Additionally, I've returned home to find another rejection letter. I do know that it wasn't the school I necessarily wanted, but no one likes getting rejected. I know that, based on the website of another university, if I didn't hear of a request for an interview by today then I would be receiving a rejection notice. Alas, today has come and gone and no email.

Oh well, we do what we can when we can, where we can.

New score:
1 interview completed
1 more to go
4 Nos
5 unknown

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