Thursday, February 7, 2013

First Official Acceptance

Though it came as no surprise to me, and I am aware that may make me sound rather cocky, I received my official first acceptance to a PhD program in Immunology. It happened yesterday, though I had too much to do to really reflect on the idea. I still have quite a bit more that must be done, but I have to say...The idea of going to school, out of state, has definitely grown on me. I'm still waiting to see if I get any other offers before I make my decision, but it feels great knowing that I officially have a position waiting for me if I so choose. It would be tough leaving my home state for roughly 6 years, but there are 2 weeks of allotted time off and I would make every effort I could to return home to visit family and friends.

I have one more interview coming up, which I hope will result in an acceptance letter as well. The deciding factor for me may be what "feels" better. Specifically, what professors I think I could work with for 6 years and not get completely frustrated with and vise-versa.

Time for more reading/thesis stuff

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